We’ve been hard at work expanding Camayak to additional platforms, and today we are introducing a Shopify blogs integration.
This integration does require a server application to be running, but we’ve made it easy to deploy it to Heroku, which has a free tier that works nicely with the integration. If you’d prefer, you can also deploy it to your own server infrastructure. This tutorial assumes you will use Heroku.
Getting Started
First, sign up for a Heroku account. If the signup asks, the development languagthat this integration uses is Node.js.
Deploy the Integration
Follow this link to start deploying to Heroku. It will ask for the following:
App Name: The app name is completely up to you, but we’d recommend setting it to the name of your Shopify account and Blog. You can create multiple integrations if you have additional blogs that you want to connect to, and this can help identify which integration is for which blog.
Region: The region in which the integration will be hosted. We recommend that you choose United States since it is the closest to Camayak’s hosting provider.
Shopify API Key: You can get this from the Shopify apps page.
Shopify Password: You can get this from the Shopify apps page.
Shopify URL: Your Shopify subdomain (ex. example.myshopify.com).
Shopify Blog ID: You can get this by visiting the blog section of your Shopify site, and clicking the blog that you want to use. The ID is then displayed in the URL after /admin/blogs/.
Shopify Blog URL: The public URL to the specific blog that you would like Camayak to connect to.
Camayak API Key: Skip this for now, as it will be generated by Camayak in the Connecting to Camayak section below.
Camayak Shared Secret: This field is automatically generated, and you will need it in the Connecting to Camayak section below.
Debugging Mode: Leave this set to false unless told otherwise by Camayak Support. This mode will show additional error data to assist in any troubleshooting.
After filling out these fields, click Deploy app. It is now time to add the publishing destination in Camayak.
Connecting to Camayak
You must be an Admin on your Camayak organization account to connect to a new publishing destination. Follow these steps to connect to the Shopify integration:
- Under your organization name in the menu bar of Camayak, select Publishing destinations.
- Select Add new publishing destination, then select Content API.
- Type a name for the publishing destination. This is what will appear in the Camayak application.
- Enter the URL that Heroku gives you for the integration.
- Enable Signed Requests.
- Enter the shared secret that Heroku generated for you.
- Click save. Camayak will now give you an API key.
- Enter the API key in the Heroku config variable Camayak API Key field (select your integration, then, on the top menu, click Settings, and click Reveal Config Vars).
- Restart the Shopify integration in Heroku (select your integration, then, in the More menu, select Restart all dynos).
Optional Fields
You can add metadata fields to the publishing destination in Camayak to enable setting the following:
Blog Post URLs: To enable setting blog post URLs, create a default metadata with the key shopify-handle, following the steps below.
Page Title: If you want to use a page title that is different from the post title, create a default metadata with the key shopify-title, following the steps below.
Page Description Meta Tag: This tag is used by search engines to show a description of the page. To enable it, create a default metadata with the key shopify-meta, following the steps below.
- Under your organization name in the menu bar of Camayak, select Publishing destinations.
- Choose Options for the Shopify publishing destination.
- Choose Edit default metadata in the pop-out menu.
- Create a Label for the metadata that you are adding. This is what will be shown in the stories.
- Enter the key for the metadata type you are adding from above.
- If you want, you can set a default value, such as a description of what should go in the field.
Test the Integration
Your integration should now be set up. Try publishing a post on your blog. If you have any trouble, don’t hesitate to contact us at support@camayak.com.