This week we’re excited to announce two new features that will dramatically improve how teams communicate within Camayak.
Dashboard activity feed. Each staff member will now be able to see a constantly updated feed of all the important activity happening in the desks they belong to. This will include: comments on assignments, new pitches, photos that are being uploaded to assignments, first-draft submissions, approved assigmnents and more.
Assignment activity feed. You’ll now be able to review the entire history of all the important activity that’s occurred on and around an assignment, including: editor participation, photo uploads, new connected assignments and more.
We like to evolve our features by listening to what our newsroom partners and over the last few months we’ve specifically asked our customers for their thoughts on how we could improve our navigation and alerts. Here are some of the comments we received, which we’ve sought to address with the new activity feed features:
Photo Editors
“We’d like to know who has uploaded a photo, without them having to add their name to the caption”
“We’d like alerts for when someone uploads a photo to their assignment, so we can proof it quickly”
Senior Editors
“We’d like to easily see when someone has submitted their first-draft”
“For approved assignments that we need to copy/and paste into InDesign, it would be awesome to see the assignment slug and author name displayed more clearly”
“Can you show us new pitches as they come in, so we don’t have to open the pitches tab each time, to check for new ideas?”
“It would be great to know what’s happening across all the assignments in my desks, without having to view each assignment one-by-one”
Admins & Advisers
“We’d love a full track-record of everything that’s happened to an assignment”
“If I could log in and see everything that’s recently happened in our newsroom at-a-glance, it would help me know who’s been the most active recently and who to chase-up”
Note: you’ll notice that the activity feeds introduce a few changes to the way you may be used to interacting with Camayak.
– Activity items on each assignment will be displayed in the same list as comments and will now be ordered newest –> oldest (comments used to be ordered oldest –> newest).
– Recently published assignments that used to appear at the bottom of the dashboard will be replaced by all approved assignments, appearing in a list next to the new dashboard activity feed.
As ever, if you have any questions or feedback on the new activity feed features, please drop us a line at Enjoy!