We’re delighted to announce that our beta content API is now available for testing. To get started, simply let us know that you want the content API option activated on your Camayak account. From there you can check out our documentation and get started! If you don’t already have a Camayak organization to test with, let us know and we’ll set you up right away.
So what’s so good about this, anyway? For a start, if you’re not using WordPress you can now have your CMS respond to our webhooks, enabling you to publish directly from Camayak straight to your non-WordPress website(s) and other platforms.
Many of our customers are already planning multi-destination strategies, from social media posting to producing sponsored content micro-sites for clients. The idea behind flexible multi-platform publishing is that you’ll have the flexibility to expand the number of ‘touch points’ with your audience at will.
We’re looking forward to hearing your feedback and can’t wait to check out the first round of integrations our partners come up with. If you’d like us to promote your work, just let us know!