When we first got started building Camayak, we had identified a need for more legitimate content production solutions for …
How do Camayak and K-4 Compare?
This month we've spoken to a number of large college daily newspapers that are using K-4 - a 'cross-media publishing platform' that manages …
What is the Difference Between Camayak and my CMS?
As newsrooms start deciding how to spend their budgets next year, a number of publications have asked us: 'how does Camayak differ from our …
Introducing: Real-time Dashboard and Assignment Activity Feeds
This week we're excited to announce two new features that will dramatically improve how teams communicate within Camayak. Dashboard activity …
Camayak TIPA Presentations
Here's a presentation Roman Heindorff (our CEO) just gave at the Texas Intercollegiate Press Association conference in Fort Worth, Texas, …
Camayak has “taught us how one might envision the organizational patterns of an online newspaper”
One of the things we notice when newsrooms start using Camayak is that they gravitate towards a more rapid (and daily) 'digital-first' …
Reminder of Camayak & SNO (WordPress host) Partnership
We were excited last year to announce our partnership with School Newspapers Online: a WordPress hosting & support company with nearly …
Post-Industrial Journalism & Open Newsrooms
It's been another fantastic month for the Camayak team. After presenting to the CUNY Graduate School of Journalism …
New Features: Revision-tracking, Progress Statuses and Immediate Publishing
As the new school year approaches, many of our clients have been extremely helpful in advising which new features they'd like to see in …